twirling dot another twirling dotWade's SV650 Tips Page

NOTE: I collect 1966 motorcycle license plates. If you've got
one that you'd be willing to part with, drop me a line, eh?

This is info & tips from the SV list, and other places. It's all used with permission (when the item did not seem to be common knowledge), and is completely hearsay unless I've tried it and made a note to that effect below, ok? Use this information AT YOUR OWN RISK. So don't get your undies in a bunch if any of this is wrong, but please let me know. Thanks!

YZF600 (and maybe 750) fork caps from 1995 ($72 each) and '96-'00 ($105 each) are all 41mm and have the right thread to screw into the SV tubes. They are a little longer, so provide extra preload to begin with (unless you make new spacers) and provide externally adjustable preload. You *must* get and use the special stock washer that goes under these caps. S.Keener and Max McAllister (among others) provided this info.

Saves weight (8-13 pounds depending on who you ask)
Available from several sources ( among others
One person reported that Sharkskinz supersport tail won't fit over the stock subframe, but one other lister says that it will if you grind off the bungee-hooks on the stocker. YMMV

( has a fairing stay for Sharkskinz that they say lets you keep the stock instrument cluster.

Sharkskinz TL bodywork fits and has these advantages over the SV design: (1) a larger tail section on which to apply numbers; (2) the engine cooling openings (yeah, a TL doesn't actually have them) are placed such that you can install frame protectors on the front engine mount without cutting holes in your body work

Bone stock peak power is at 9200 and drops nearly 6 hp at redline, 10,500. The rev limiter kicks in at 11,500. With a pipe and no air cleaner peak power is at 10,000 but there was no appreciable dropoff to redline. Randy Grein

Cutting open the airbox will make the bike much louder, and require going up 4 mainjet sizes and raising the Factory jet-kit needles one clip. Randy Grein

Wheels off 98 & 99 Katanas are rumored to be the same as SVs.

One lister reported that he uses a cb3lb battery, but doesn't have a starter motor....a cb5lb (about 5 amp/hr) battery should suffice for others.

Source for little batteries: One lister found this info on Yuasa Batteries:
P/N Dry Wt.lbs Length x Width x Height inches CCA
YB14L-A2 7.6 5 5/16 x 3 1/2 x 6 9/16 190
YB5L-B 3.5 4 3/4 x 2 5/16 x 5 1/865
YB4L-B 2.8 4 3/4 x 2 3/4 x 6 5/8 56
12N7-3B 4.9 5 5/16 x 3 x 5 1/474
12N5.5-3B 4.3 5 5/16 x 2 3/8 x 5 1/860


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-------------a colorful spacer bar-----------

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Last modified on 22AUG2001